How to cancel my membership
Oh, I hope you stick around for a long time, but I get it.
Life happens, things change. Sometimes we just need to take a break from extra things for a while.
Good news!
It's easy to jump out of the huddle at anytime (and jump back in too!!)
Before you cancel your membership, you may want to set a calendar reminder to peek at it again in a few months to see if it's a better fit for you then. In the notes of your reminder, add this link
And a second note to use coupon: FIRSTCUPONME, so you can get a month free when you come back!!
Steps to Cancel:
- Log in to your teachable account.
- Click on your account image in the right hand corner (It may be just a person symbol)
- Click manage subscriptions
- Change away!
If you have any issues, you can email me at [email protected]. You don't owe me any explanations, just let me know what I can do to help!